The Microix Inventory Module is a feature-rich tool that allows you to manage your inventory efficiently and effectively. It works hand-in-hand with Microix’s Requisition/Purchase Order/Invoicing Module to leverage off of a proven workflow approval process and fully integrate with MIP Fund Accounting™ Software.
Microix Requisition Module is REQUIRED.
Links to the following information:
Module) Microix Requisition|Purchase Order|Invoicing Module
Pre-Demonstration Questionnaire
Microix Inventory Control and Requisition Modules Demonstration on Vimeo
User License Recommendation
Barcode Scanner
System Alerts Feature
Asset Tracking (See attached file below)
Microix Cloud Companion Web Application
Cloud Companion Main Menu Screen Shot
Standard Implementation and Training Process for WFM
Additional Information
Support Contact Information Including Hours of Operation and Holidays
Recommended Guidelines when Implementing a New MIP and Microix System
Support and Maintenance Terms and Conditions
End User License Agreement (EULA)
Form Designer| Custom Report Designer
Q: Does Microix have a Cash Receipt Module with MIP? We need a workflow for Cash Receipt process. Can we use Microix workflow and then transfer to MIP as a JV entry?
A: Microix does not have a stand-alone Cash Receipts Module however, this option is available through the Microix Inventory Module. You will use the sales order document type, and it will give you the option to transfer to MIP as a cash receipt or AR Billing.
Microix Sales - Microix Inventory Module for Cash Receipts - Knowledge base
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