Microix WFM-System Alerts

Creation date: 3/5/2021 10:40 AM    Updated: 2/21/2022 12:55 PM
System Alerts  

The System Alerts feature monitors the approval process to ensure management approvals occur within specified time parameters that are set by the administrator. If an approver does not approve a document in the specified time frame, the system will send daily reminders to the appropriate approver and will also email a copy to upper management. System Alerts helps enforce organizational policies and makes the approval process more efficient. Other alerts are available related to Timesheet and Inventory stock levels.

(This feature is NOT available in MIP multi-tenant.)


Pricing information

As of 2/1/21, System Alerts is now included in the core product.

What type of alerts are available based on each Microix module?

Requisition and Budget Module:

  • Document Submitted - helps monitor employees to ensure they submitted documents within a specific number of days from the time they created it.
  • Document Approval - helps monitor approvers to ensure they approve documents within a specific number of days from receiving it.

Inventory Module:

  • Inventory Stock Level - reports inventory items which are below the stock warning level.

Timesheet Module:

  • Timesheet Submitted - assists with monitoring employees to make sure they submit timesheets within a specific number of days from the time they created it.
  • Timesheet Approval - assists with monitoring approvers to ensure they approve timesheets within a specific number of days from receiving it.
  • Timesheet Absences - lists employees who did not clock in the previous day.
  • Timesheet Missed Punches - lists employees who missed either a clock in or clock out during the current period. 

How do I setup this feature?

Customers can use this KB article to setup System Alerts on their own:  Microix Help Desk - How to setup Microix Alerts - Knowledge base

Contact Support at 1-866-642-7649 option 1, if you have questions. 

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