Microix Requisition|Purchase Order|Invoicing Module

Creation date: 9/9/2022 12:54 PM    Updated: 2/12/2024 11:50 AM

The Microix Requisition /Purchase/Invoicing Module enables accountants and non-accounting staff to create purchase requests from their desktop computer. Administrators can enforce specific requirements to reduce errors and ensure that information is accurately provided to properly process a request. Once the requests are submitted and approved through a multi-level approval process, it is automatically converted to a purchase order and seamlessly transferred to MIP Fund Accounting™ Software as an un-posted encumbrance or A/P transaction.

MIP Accounts Payable is required when implementing Microix Requisition Module. If encumbrance is needed, then MIP Encumbrance Module is required.

Links to the following information: 

Website Information

Feature Checklist/Brochure

WFM Feature Checklist

Pre-Demonstration Questionnaire

What factors determine how a Requisition/PO is transferred to MIP FA?

Microix Requisition Module documents and their associated MIP FA transactions

Flowchart-Microix and MIP FA Encumbrance Overview

Flowchart-Microix and MIP FA Purchase Order/Invoice Overview

Routing documents based on UDF Lookup Value

Account Restrictions

Routing based on dollar value

Category Routing

Alternate Approvers vs Substitutes

Data Entry Forms (via desktop vs Cloud Companion Web)

Approval (via desktop vs Cloud Companion Web)

Sample Reports

System Alerts Feature

Client Testimonials

Expense Reimbursement

Credit Card Statement Processing Feature

Optional Add-on

Microix Cloud Companion Web Application

HTML Approval

Vendor Punchout Feature

List of Punchout Vendors

Professional|Client Service information

Standard Implementation and Training Process for WFM

Standard Training Agenda

Client Testimonials|Reference For Microix Workflow Modules 

Client Testimonials

Requirement Links

Requirement Links

Recommended Guidelines when Implementing a New MIP and Microix System

Additional Information

Microix Website

About Us

Support Contact Information Including Hours of Operation and Holidays

Support KB Articles

Microix Available Resources

Support and Maintenance Terms and Conditions

End User License Agreement (EULA)

User License Recommendation

Microix Form Designer| Custom Report Designer


Q: Does Microix have a Cash Receipt Module with MIP? We need a workflow for Cash Receipt process. Can we use Microix workflow and then transfer to MIP as a JV entry?

A: Microix does not have a stand-alone Cash Receipts Module however, this option is available through the Microix Inventory Module. You will use the sales order document type, and it will give you the option to transfer to MIP as a cash receipt or AR Billing. 
Microix Sales - Microix Inventory Module for Cash Receipts - Knowledge base

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