Items to consider before planning your migration to a cloud base hosted server:
1. Microix and MIP databases must be migrated at the same time 2. Local use of Microix and MIP should be discontinued on the day of the migration 3. After the local databases are backed up in preparation for moving to the new sever, the local SQL server should be taken off line to make sure staff do not use the old version 4. Any customers using our time clock hardware will also be affected by this transition. The polling of the clock’s data should be stopped as the same time as line #3. The service can be stopped via the windows task scheduler’s local server (Task Schedule Name: “Microix Time clock Polling”). The clocks will hold the punch data until you transition the Microix Time Clock Manger server software to point to the hosted server (Requires our Web service application to be deployed on the remote server). You can then turn on the windows task scheduler to start polling again. Check your hosted server to make sure the entries are flowing to the new sever via the IN/OUT board from the Workflow Modules ribbon menu. 5. Any customers using our HTML approval feature, will also be affected. Any hyperlinks in emails that was sent out by the older sever will not work after performing line #3. For these documents, the approvals must take place using the application hosted on the new server 6. Any customers using Microix Alerts module will also need to disable the windows task scheduler on the older server after performing line #3 and re-create the scheduled task on the hosted server 7. Customers using Microix to relay mail through their local mail server may have to change the mail setting in Microix to us SMTP or SSL authentication 8. Customers using active directory login will have to consider switching back to local Microix login account or decide to setup all users in Microix as an AD user on the hosted server 9. Find out if the customer is using the Microix Web Companion application and you will need to install both the Windows and Web Companion application on the hosted server 10. Attachments are normally stored in our SQL database called “MWFMAttachement”. However, the customer may change this to store attachments to a local UNC path. These attachments will also need to be migrated to the hosted server as well.