Deploying MSI through GPO or Command Line/PowerShell

Microix MSI Setup is located in \\yoursqlservername\Microix Share\Setup\wssetup.msi 

Deployment using Command Line/PowerShell
 \\Microix Share\Setup\wssetup.msi SQLSERVERNAME="EnterSQLServerNameHere"
MSIEXEC.EXE /i "C:\Microix Share\Setup\wssetup.msi" SQLSERVERNAME="EnterSQLServerNameHere"

Important! Before deploying our MSI via GPO, you MUST edit our wssetup.msi file using Microsoft MSI editor ORCA.exe to include your SQL Server Name. (see steps below). You may also use this method for Command Line/Powershell deployment and eliminate the need to pass the SQLServerName parameter value when executing the msi file.

Orca download:
