**** MIP Multi-Tenant Hosting Environment, skip to step #6 ****
Prerequisites for configuring Microix HTTP Email Approval on IIS Server:
- An active HTML Approval license
- SMTP email account should be configured (Maintenance>Global Options>Application Options)
- Dot Net Framework 4.7.2 or higher on Windows IIS Server
- Microix 2019.XXX.XXX or higher
- Public IP address/domain pointing to your IIS Server (ONLY
required if approving documents over the WAN. Not required of intranet ONLY
- Microsoft™ Windows 2012 R2 Server or higher
NOTE: We do not recommend
deploying our web application on a server running Active Directory, Share Point
or SQL Server. For WAN deployment, we advise that you consult with a network
security firm to help reduce the risk of possible attacks on your IIS server.
Microix HTTP Email Approval is an ASP.NET application utilizing .NET framework
4.0 or higher. If Microix databases are installed on a SQL server with other
sensitive data, we recommend limiting our SQL account
"microixsysadmin" only the Microix and MIP databases. Additionally,
for WAN deployment, we recommend placing your IIS server in a DMZ as it adds an
extra layer of security between the exposed server and your intranet. However,
you will still need to configure your firewall to allow the IIS server access
to your intranet SQL server where Microix databases resides.
Step 1: Navigate to the \\Microix
Share\Setup and run the htmlsetup.msi file
Step 2: Enter your SQL Server with instance(if any), you can verify
the SQL Server name from SQL Management Studio. Click the install button to
continue (Important: If IIS is located on a DMZ server, enter the SQL IP address instead of the SQL Server Name)
Step 3: Setup will install and configure a new web site application
Step 4: Click Finish to complete the installation.
Step 5: Once the setup is completed navigate to your IIS Manager and
verify the web application “ MicroixHTTPApproval" was successfully created
under IIS “Default Web Site”
Step 6: Navigate to Maintenance - Global Options - App Options and
enter in your public URL address for the HTML Approval App
(NOTE: for Abila Multi-Tenant enter the URL address - https://microix-webcompanion.abilaonline.com/htmlapproval/)
Verify smtp email account is configured and enabled
Step 10: Navigate to Maintenance - Organization Workflow- Select a
workflow - and go to Approvers Tab - Select Module Type - and check option for
HTML for each level that you want to approve documents via email. Repeat this
step for each workflow and each module type.
Note: Option for HTML cannot
be checked for level that transfer documents to MIP Fund Accounting.
*** Setup is completed ***
How to approve a document from within the email notification ?
After receiving an approval notification via email, three hyper links will be included at the bottom of the email (Approve, Reject and Void) click the appropriate link to process.
Approve - approve the document and move it to the next level
Reject - reject and send to previous level (system will prompt for a reason)
Void - void/cancel the document (system will prompt for a reason)
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