How to setup tracking data for an existing inventory Item

How to setup tracking data for an existing inventory Item with Quantity on Hand?

NOTE: Verify the inventory Item currently has quantity on hand by reviewing the Inventory Stock Level Report. if the item do not have quantity on hand, skip to Step 2.

Step 1. Navigate to Inventory>My Adjustment and create a new inventory quantity adjustment to remove the quantity from Inventory (If item is in multiple locations with quantities, all location quantities must be removed). Submit for approval and transfer to MIP Fund Accounting

Step 2. Navigate to Inventory tab>select the item and click the Edit button. Using the Tracking Requirements group, select the values being tracked (Maximum 2)

Step 3. Navigate to Inventory>My Adjustments and create a new Inventory quantity adjustment to add back the quantities to Inventory along with it’s tracking data. Submit for approval and transfer to MIP Fund Accounting

Creation date: 9/27/2022 11:07 AM      Updated: 9/27/2022 11:07 AM
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