Distribution Code Changes in v2019.001.3

  1. With version 2019.001.3, multi-line distribution codes can be used when creating a purchase request from the Shopping Cart List. Previously, it was limited to single line distribution codes.
  2. When using a distribution code with a workflow that has a default value set in the account restrictions, the system will automatically override the distribution code segment value with the workflow’s default value
  3. When shopping list items are defined with a distribution code, the system will use the item’s distribution code when the document is created from the Shopping List form. (NOTE: It will not behave the same when selecting the item on a document, the user has to manually select a distribution code)

Item List Setup to use a distribution code for some or all items

Workflow setup with default values for one or more segments

Creating Purchase Request from the Shopping List form

Results of the Purchase Request when created by the Shopping list form
  • Item 2001 will use the item’s distribution code
  • Item 2002 will use the distribution code selected from the shopping list because a distribution code was not assigned to the Item
  • The purchase request from applies the distribution code and replaces the distribution code segment values with the workflow’s segment values

Creation date: 7/2/2020 11:23 AM      Updated: 7/2/2020 11:24 AM
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