Setup Timeclock to be managed by

Creation date: 6/8/2020 11:03 AM    Updated: 4/26/2024 11:47 AM    adms cloud iclock microixcloud tcm
Process to connect Microix Timeclock to

(IMPORTANT: Local Time Clock Manager should not be used or be installed if time clocks will be managed by

•    Connect the clock to an ethernet cable, wait 1 minute and verify the cloud server icon with a globe becomes green.  If it continues to have a red X after waiting a minute, verify the ADMS/Cloud server setting by using the following KB article. Note the ADMS/Cloud server setting are present on all new time clocks.

•   Login to  (Contact Microix Sales for Credentials ) to verify the online status of the time clocks. 

•   After login, Navigate to Devices and set the location of each time clock using the steps below. 

•   Use the following KB article to setup a new polling task to fetch the data from (NOTE: NOT REQUIRED FOR MIP CLOUD CUSTOMERS)

•   Provide training to payroll staff on how to add users to the Time Clock via Workflow Modules Client application
