User Security Access Functions

Creation date: 3/5/2019 5:12 PM    Updated: 12/9/2019 10:43 AM    functions security setting user access
Question: How to assign access to functions?
Use the Security menu to apply Microix access rights to user. To establish user security rights apply the following steps:

On the menu ribbon click the Maintenance tab
1. From the maintenance group menu, select Security
2. Select the user, by indicating a check mark in the box next to the user name
3. Next, select access rights by indicating a check mark by each function the user will need
4. Click the Add button to assign rights to the user
NOTE: You can verify access by clicking on the Query tab, searching by user to see a list of assigned functions.
*You can also copy security rights from one user to another by utilizing the “Copy Security from:” box top right side of screen.
