Microix Web Time Clock

Creation date: 9/22/2023 2:11 PM    Updated: 4/26/2024 4:12 PM    clock covid phone app requisition time time clock timeclock timesheet web web time clock


V2024 Web Time clock allows employees to use their phones to navigate to a published website. The Web application will prompt the user to accept location tracking before recording the user's punch and location. If they deny the location tracking, the system will continue to record the punch, however their location will not be captured. The web URL can be saved to the phone home screen for quick access. This location feature does not include GEO fencing, nor can it force an employee to allow location tracking. (subject to change. This link will have the most up to date information on this feature Whats New (microixcloud.com)

Here is what is temporarily available for existing clients who own time clocks.
Due to COVID and because many are working remotely without having access to time clocks. We have made available a web time clock option for organizations with time clocks at no additional cost. The application is hosted on our server. The attendance data will flow into Microix using the same polling process currently done by the scheduled task. If used from a PC, it will record the location/address of the WIFI router. However, the web browser will ask the user to allow for Geo Location tracking and they can choose to allow or deny.

Microix Inc. - Confidential/Subject to Change NOTE: Please contact us if attached file is missing (if applicable) send an email to sales@microix.net Tip: To zoom in, click on any image in this Article