Optional Add-On | Microix Cloud Solution (MCS) Inventory Barcode Web Application*

Creation date: 9/7/2023 12:05 PM    Updated: 9/7/2023 12:35 PM

*Please note: This option is for client's that are using their own barcode scanner based on Microix's requirements.

Option 2**
-Purchase the Microix Cloud Solution (MCS) Inventory Barcode Web Application

Pricing Information IF the client uses their own device
(See Device Requirements Below)

Purchase Microix Inventory Barcode Web Application for $1,000 plus $250 on-going Annual Support and Maintenance Fee (max) (must be activated in the software)

**With this option, you are not limited to the number of devices you purchase on your own, as long as it meets the requirements below. 
Need to review both options? Click here: 
Optional Add-On|Barcode Scanner Available Options for Inventory Module

Device Requirements:
Microix MCS web application can be used with any device (Android, iPhone, Tablet, PC) with a built in 1/2D barcode scanner, Bluetooth 1/2D scanner, Wired USB 1/2D barcode scanner, or input from the device keyboard.

Scanner Requirements Recap:

  • Scanner includes a 1D/2D scanner engine
  • Scanner includes WIFI
  • Scanner includes a camera
  • Scanner includes a web browser (Edge or Chrome)
  • Scanner screen size 5.0 or higher

Microix's Responsibilities:

Assist customer to install Microix Barcode Application (MCS) on an IIS Server and provide KB article on how to create a shortcut of the barcode application to the device home screen from a web browser URL that is loading the app from the IIS Server

Customer's Responsibilities (No technical assistance from Microix Support)

  • Connect device to a network WIFI (contact barcode vendor if assistance is needed)
  • Test device to verify the scanner reads their current labels (Microix barcode labels or any other barcode used internally)
  • On going issues with WIFI connectivity or problems with the scanner will be directed to barcode vendor
  • Errors in barcode software will be handled by Microix Support

(Subject to change)


Who do we contact for MCS Implementation?
You will need to engage Microix at this time. 

Is the Microix (MCS) Inventory Barcode Web Application available in the MIP Cloud?
Yes. The MCS Inventory Barcode Web Application is available in MIP Cloud. 

Can we print barcode labels from your software, and do we need a special printer? 
Our system utilizes a regular laser printer to print labels on an Avery 5160 8x11. 

Printer Requirements: 
Any Windows 10 inkjet or laser printer with the correct Avery label is compatible with Workflow Modules label printing.

How Do I Print Item Labels for My Inventory Items?
Microix Help Desk - How Do I print Item Labels for My Inventory Items? - Knowledge base

How Do I Create Custom Label Sizes and Formats for My Item Labels?
Microix Help Desk - How Do I Create Custom Label Sizes and Formats For My Item Labels? - Knowledge base

Microix Inc. - Confidential/Subject to Change NOTE: Please contact us if attached file is missing (if applicable) send an email to sales@microix.net Tip: To zoom in, click on any image in this Article