Timesheet Module | FAQ

Creation date: 3/16/2023 9:31 AM    Updated: 9/16/2024 9:18 AM

Q: How /which timesheets do salaried employees use, who do not technically have to track hours?


  1. They can continue to use MIP’s Default time sheet and only use Microix to request leave
  2. They can use Microix to create  a timesheet with  default hours along with requested leave  (requires very little data entry)
  3. Timesheet can be created by timekeepers on behalf of employee and sent to employee for approval

Q:If an employee is out of office, can a manager submit their timesheet for them? Similar to approval substitution, but at the requestor level

A: Payroll administrator can use our document maintenance to change the status from level 0 to Manager Level. Managers can be giving permission to do so but we recommend to only have this function available to the payroll/hr person.

Q: Is there a way to limit entries to 24 hours a day? As an example, I was able to enter 30 hours for one day and submit for approval with no warning

    • Similar option - users are also able to enter "0" hours for an entry. They want a warning or something to prevent that

A: Our current version will allow more that 24 hrs. in a day due to shift work. With our next release, we added an option to limit 24 hrs. via a global setting For 0 hours, we automatically remove the entry upon save.

Q: Can we restrict leave requests from pay periods that have already passed? When tested I was able to submit a leave request from a prior pay period.

A: Current version does not restrict. However, our next release will not allow if the payroll is processed in MIP.

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