Q: How /which timesheets do salaried employees use, who do not technically have to track hours?
Q:If an employee is out of office, can a manager submit their timesheet for them? Similar to approval substitution, but at the requestor level
A: Payroll administrator can use our document maintenance to change the status from level 0 to Manager Level. Managers can be giving permission to do so but we recommend to only have this function available to the payroll/hr person.
Q: Is there a way to limit entries to 24 hours a day? As an example, I was able to enter 30 hours for one day and submit for approval with no warning
A: Our current version will allow more that 24 hrs. in a day due to shift work. With our next release, we added an option to limit 24 hrs. via a global setting For 0 hours, we automatically remove the entry upon save.
Q: Can we restrict leave requests from pay periods that have already passed? When tested I was able to submit a leave request from a prior pay period.
A: Current version does not restrict. However, our next release will not allow if the payroll is processed in MIP.