Inventory Module for Cash Receipts

Creation date: 12/6/2022 8:49 AM    Updated: 1/12/2023 3:14 PM

Q: Does Microix have a Cash Receipt Module with MIP? We need a workflow for Cash Receipt process. Can we use Microix workflow and then transfer to MIP as a JV entry?

Microix does not have a stand-alone Cash Receipts Module however, this option is available through the Microix Inventory Module. You will use the sales order document type, and it will give you the option to transfer to MIP as a cash receipt or AR Billing.
Please Note: Cash receipts can be entered without inventory items.

Step 1- Use the sales order document type (see screen shot below) then submit for approval 

Step 2- Final approver will transfer to MIP as a cash receipt or AR Billing 

Step 3- Review Cash Receipts session in MIP prior to posting

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