Microix License Structure

Creation date: 11/11/2022 11:25 AM    Updated: 10/16/2023 5:05 PM

Microix's license structure will allow up to 5 databases under the same MIP S/N (Microix NPS) at NO CHARGE:

  • If the client is on a Perpetual|migrated to MIP cloud license type, MIP will provide cost involved for the additional database (s) to be setup in MIP Cloud
  • If the client is on a Subscription|MIP cloud license type, MIP will provide cost involved for the additional database (s)  to be setup in MIP Cloud
  • The Modules (s), concurrent licenses, Web Licenses, HTML approval, Vendor punchout purchased or subscribed to originally for the 1st database, will be shared between all 5 databases.
  • All hardware(s) will work per database.
  • Will Implementation and training be required for each database?
    • If users and workflows will be the same as the 1st db then, it will not be required.   
    • If new users and new workflows will be required, then it will be considered a new implementation and training per db. 
  • Additional databases over 5 can be purchase/subscribe to in blocks of 5. IMPORTANT Add-ons such as Inventory, Vendor punchout and HTML Approval will need to be purchase/subscribe again for each set of 5 databases.

For example, there is no charge for additional db if two Organizations|Companies are working out of the same MIP System (MIP S/N) or two companies will be merging their general ledger However, IMPORTANT:  If they need a unique MIP Serial number or their own MIP and Microix System installed on a different server then they would need to purchase their own MIP and Microix system.

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