Microix's Professional Client Services team is available to assist you and your client at all times. From kick-off to user testing to go-live and beyond, we are devoted to ensuring your client success at launch and in the years ahead. Our team of highly experienced professionals will deliver consulting, implementation, and initial training services. Please refer to Microix’s implementation and training calculator to determined recommended hours. Advance feature setup will require additional hours.
There are several dependencies in terms of ‘how long’ it takes to get up and running with any one of Microix’s modules. However, as a general rule, it may take between 1-4 months after MIP is fully setup for the client if applicable. Scheduling the discovery/kickoff call is approximately 1 to 2 weeks after the Software and Professional service order is placed and processed with Microix. The timeframe depends on factors such as the approach (train the trainer vs training in bulk), time of year (sometimes of year are busier than others), the availability of our consultants (other projects may be on Microix’s calendar at time of order), if requested information is returned by the customer in a timely manner and whether training is done all at once (e.g. 24 hour block of time) or short bursts (a day this week, a day next week etc.)
Pre-requisite ( if applicable)
If NEW MIP and Microix System, MIP MUST be fully implemented prior to scheduling Microix’s meeting/session Microix Sales - PST-Recommended guidelines when implementing a new installation of MIP Fund Accounting and Microix system - Knowledge base
Phase 1: Discovery/Kick off Call
The discovery “Kick off” call is just the first of many important conversations within the training and implementation process. It is our opportunity to gather critical information to understand your organization’s objectives to customize the training specific to your needs. It generally lasts approximately 1 hour, and the organizational key staff should attend including your IT contact (if applicable) . Your consultant will send you their availability to coordinate the discovery meeting with some dates that work best with everyone’s schedule. These meetings will be via Zoom.
Overview of Phase 1-Discovery/Detailed Discussions for WFM
Phase 2: Discussion of Installation and Software Activation (if applicable)
Your consultant will provide you with the information necessary to work with Microix Support to install the Microix software (installation of the software only applies to on-premise, not to MIP Cloud). The software will be activated and ready for your consultant to configure and setup the software.
Phase 3: Setup and Implementation
Your consultant will schedule meetings with you for the setup of users and security, workflows, hardware (if applicable) and testing of workflows.
Steps involved to get Microix up and running in your organization Link
Phase 4 & 5: Initial Training and GO LIVE!
After the setup of the software is completed, appropriate organization staff will receive training on administering and using the Microix software as well as training for requesters/approvers, and final preparations of the database for Go-LIVE!
The customer will reasonably cooperate with Microix and will provide safe and timely access to its premises and computer equipment, including remote access, adequate working space, facilities, and any other services, personal information, tools (including licenses), or materials that the parties agree that Microix may reasonably require to perform the Services. Microix will abide by all Customer polices and conform to Customer’s reasonable requirements in its use of and access to the forgoing. The Services will be performed under the direction and supervision of Customer personnel. The Services will be performed during standard business hours (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT) unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between Customer and Microix All off-shift hours will be billed at time-and-a-half rate directly with the client. If training services are provided, a day is equivalent to 8 hours and maximum number of attendees is recommended to be 12 or less.
Terms and Conditions https://microix.net/additional-terms
Note: We offer remote training, however if your client is requesting on-site training, and Microix approves, your client will receive an agreement direct from Microix once we receive your professional service order. In addition to quoted hours on Professional Services Order Form "Order Form" for Services, the Customer will be responsible for payment of a nonrefundable deposit equal to 50% of the total for Services or a minimum deposit of $1,000 and travel expenses including $100 per hour (minimum of 8 hours ) for door-to-door travel time and actual travel costs encountered, transportation , hotel, rental car, gas, mileage, airline, meals (billed basedon the federal per diem rate), phone, internet, etc.
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