Pre-Demonstration Questionnaire for Microix Requisition Module

Creation date: 5/17/2022 5:40 PM    Updated: 3/13/2023 11:44 AM

To help make certain your needs can be met by our solution, please answer the following questions prior to coordinating this demo: NOTE: MIP Fund Accounting Accounts Payable Module is required. If you need to encumber purchases, then Encumbrance Module is required.

Q: Are you currently using another Microix Module?

Q: Is your MIP currently in MIP Cloud, hosted with another provider or on-premise?

Q: Do you have a subscription or perpetual license of MIP? (This will determine if you will need subscription or perpetual license of Microix (pricing)

Q: Please provide a brief overview of your current process.      

Q: Do you currently or in the future need to use the encumbrance module in MIP?

Q: Are the employees who need to enter a request and attach their backup in the same location?

Q: Do you have a centralized purchasing department or does each staff handle their own PO?

Q: Do you need to credit card statement processing? If yes, what is your current process for credit cards? 

Q: Does your staff currently shop directly from a vendor’s website?  (We can show an optional add-on Vendor Punchout)

Q: Are there any particular challenges or specific requirements you want us to address in a demonstration of Microix?

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